Full time
Policy Advocacy Officer (채용시 마감)
2024-09-25(수) 00:00 ~
2025-02-28(금) 23:59
Policy Advocacy Officer 채용
WWF(세계자연기금)은 하나뿐인 지구의 환경오염을 막고 생물다양성을 보전하며 인류가 직면한 기후 위기에 대응하기 위해 전 세계 100여개 국에서 활동하는 세계 최대 자연 보전 기관, 글로벌 NGO 입니다.
WWF 한국본부 소속 Policy Advocacy Officer는 기후관련 국내외 정책 및 목표분석 등 애드보커시(Advocacy) 업무를 수행합니다.

- 채용 인원: 1명
- 포 지 션: Policy Advocacy Officer
- 팀 / 부서: Climate & Finance Team / Business & Policy Division
- 고용 형태: 1년 계약직(3개월 수습 기간 포함) - 모든 포지션은 계약직으로 시작하며, 평가에 따라 계약 연장 및 무기계약직(정규직) 전환 가능
- 근 무 지: WWF(세계자연기금) 한국본부 (서울시 종로구 종로 47 SC제일은행본점빌딩 15층)
- 직무 내용:
기본 역할 및 포지션 목표
Policy Advocacy Officer plans and implements the Programme’s strategies and activities relevant to the government’s climate change, energy and environment policies. He/she communicates with the WWF network team to contribute to the Programme goals aligned with the global mission, and reports to C&F Team Lead. He/she represents the Programme to internal and external stakeholders and partners from both public and private sector for the objectives as follows:- By 2030, the world's greenhouse gas emissions are cut by at least 40% from 2010 levels, supported by the required systemic change in finance.
- Motivate Korean government to achieve 2050 net zero targets.
- Enhance public awareness on climate crisis and encourage climate actions by working with various partners and relevant stakeholders
담당 업무
Project development and management
- Review and analyze global and local trends to develop climate, energy and environment related projects
- Develop comprehensive, actionable climate policy and advocacy plans to contribute to 2050 net zero objectives
- Manage project execution from planning to successful delivery of scope of activities agreed, and achieve project objectives and outcomes
- Identify potential funds and develop proposals for prioritized climate programs
- Build effective partnerships with various stakeholders including those from government agencies, businesses and NGO sectors and manage collaboration based on technical knowledge and insights
Research and analysis
- Monitor and analyze Korean climate change policies and collaborate with WWF global and relevant stakeholders to ensure Korea is on track for the 2050 net-zero objectives
- Synthesize research results to propose key messages and recommendations for the Programme
Programme design and implementation
- Design and implement the Programme strategy to support and achieve the Korea office strategic objectives aligned with WWF global strategic outcomes
- Contribute to the development of the Programme and the Korea office position and key messages
- Represent WWF Korea in relevant climate, energy and environment national and international fora, and act as a WWF spokesperson on the Programme related issues in various forums and media
- Work closely with the communications team to design climate related contents to publicly communicate campaigns and positions through multimedia platforms
◈ This job description covers the main tasks and conveys the spirit of the sort of tasks that are anticipated proactively from staff. Other tasks may be assigned as necessary according to organizational needs
- 자격 요건 및 우대 사항:
자격 요건
- Bachelor’s degree needed
- Minimum 5 years of professional job experience or relevant research experience in climate change and/or environment policies needed
- Experiences in working with team and collaborating teams in enterprises needed
- Identifies and aligns with the core values of the WWF organization: Courage, Integrity, Respect & Collaboration
우대 사항
- Advanced degree (environment, climate change, green finance, international policy or a related field) preferred
- Specialized in government relations and public affairs relevant to environment, climate change and energy issues highly preferred
- Excellent written, verbal and interpersonal communication skills in both English and Korean
- Strong leadership and demonstrated ability to plan and deliver works
- Ability to collect and analyze useful data and information
- Demonstrated ability to deliver projects on time and within budget
- Effective computer and office tools skills
- Working experiences in government agencies and/or intergovernmental organizations are highly preferred
- Commitment to, and demonstrated ability to work well as lead or part of a team
- Ability to work unsupervised, in a rapidly changing environment
- 채용 절차
서류전형 > 1차 실무면접 > 온라인 인적성 검사 > 레퍼런스 체크 > 2차 임원 면접 > 최종 합격 - 서류 접수 및 문의:WWF 한국본부 채용 담당자에게 지원서 이메일(recruitment@wwfkorea.or.kr)접수 및 문의
1) 국/영문 이력서 (CV)
2) 영문 자기소개서 (Cover letter)
3) 레퍼런스 확인을 위한 최소 2 개 이상의 연락처 (1차 면접 합격자에 한해 요청함)
4) '개인정보 수집 및 이용 수칙 동의서' (Agreement on the Collection and Usage of Personal Information) – 첨부파일 참조 - 접수 마감: 수시 모집으로 채용 시 마감
- 이전글Business & Policy Director (채용시 마감) 24.03.29
- 다음글Executive Assistant (채용시 마감) 24.12.20