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Full time Fundraising Officer, Membership Program 담당 (채용시 마감)
2024-09-12(목) 00:00 ~ 2025-01-31(금) 23:59


Fundraising Officer, Membership Program 담당

WWF(세계자연기금)은 하나뿐인 지구의 환경오염을 막고 생물다양성을 보전하며 인류가 직면한 기후 위기에 대응하기 위해 전 세계 100여개 국에서 활동하는 세계 최대 자연 보전 기관, 글로벌 NGO 입니다. 

WWF 한국본부 소속 Fundraising Officer는 후원자 모집을 위한 멤버십 프로그램 전략 수립 및 시행 개발 등을 통해 WWF에 로열티를 가진 멤버십을 기반으로 모금 현황을 트래킹하고 안정적인 환경 보전 기금에 조성하는 주요한 업무를 담당합니다. 

  1. 채용 인원: 1명
  2. 포  지 션: Fundraising Officer, WWFK Membership Program 개인후원회원 멤버십 프로그램 담당 
  3. 팀 / 부서: Fundraising Team / Marketing & Fundraising Division
  4. 고용 형태: 1년 계약직, 모든 포지션은 계약직으로 시작하며, 평가에 따라 계약 연장 및 무기계약직(정규직) 전환 가능
  5. 근  무 지: WWF(세계자연기금) 한국본부 (서울시 종로구 종로 47 SC제일은행본점빌딩 15층)
  6. 직무 내용:

     기본 역할 및 포지션 목표

    • Make WWFK Membership Program stable more with increased value & efficiency.
    • Retain members and manage income from individual members.
    • Manage membership quality for strong retention & donation increase.
    • Finding of way to secure HNW donors and extend its pool.
    • Improve member’s lifetime value for the organization’s sustainable financial support. 
    • Manages, and tracks the member experience under donor care strategies and action plans for driving engagement, and fostering loyalty.
    • Ensures members feel informed, acknowledged, and appreciated that their donations make a difference.
    • Manage and carry out administrative duties for the WWF-Korea membership program.

     담당 업무

     1. WWF-Korea Membership Program operation and management

       A. Design, operate, and improve the WWF-Korea Membership Program based on marketing, and retention perspectives. 

       B. Meet members’ requirements and expectations for donor member service quality improvement.

       C. Implement donor member relations strategy that supports the fundraising goals in conjunction with the division’s mission. 

     2. Member service and retention quality management 

       A. Manage members’ VOC (Voice of Customers) including all in-bound and out-bound services for member care brought in various communication channels. 

       B. Manage CS center and partner agencies by providing regular training and guidelines for them to act as brand ambassadors at the frontline between WWF-Korea and members.

       C. Manage the member care process based on the donor journey map cycle including required action items such as regular donor member communications, reward and recognition programs, and donation certificates/receipts activities.

     3. Enhances lifetime value of members through regular service program

       A. Improves payment (fulfilment) rate by managing members who are in burnt, rejected, unpaid status for defending cancellation rate with the right manners and strategies

       B. Manage donor member promotion programs including tracking, stewarding, and providing annual acknowledgments.

       C. Support member engagement programs or events to develop strong relationships between members and WWF-Korea.

    ◈ This job description covers the main tasks and conveys the spirit of the sort of tasks that are anticipated proactively from staff. Other tasks may be assigned as necessary according to organizational needs

  7. 자격 요건 및 우대 사항:

     자격 요건


     1. Knowledge

       A. 2 or more years of Solid experience in one or more areas in the retention program: member care, member communication, and member marketing

       B. Bachelor’s degree in the related field, or comparable experience.

     2. Skill

       A. Experiences in using CRM software and MS Office

       B. Strong in data analysis, communication skill

       C. Developing strategies and idea visualizing skill

       D. Vendor management and communication (call center)

     3. Attitude: Identifies and aligns with the core values of the WWF organization: Courage, Integrity, Respect & Collaboration

     우대 사항 


     1. Knowledge: Preferred +5 years’ experiences in any equivalent sector such as marketing, CRM, customer service, fundraising/donor care, and so on. 

     2. Language: Native in Korean, and professional level in English 

     3. Attitude

     - Ability to work in a team and foster team spirit.

     - Strong commitment to environment and nature conservation

  8. 채용 절차

    서류전형 > 1차 실무면접 > 온라인 인적성 검사 > 레퍼런스 체크 > 2차 임원 면접 > 최종 합격 

  9. 서류 접수 및 문의:WWF 한국본부 채용 담당자에게 지원서 이메일(recruitment@wwfkorea.or.kr)접수 및  문의
    1) 국/영문 이력서 (CV)
    2) 영문 자기소개서 (Cover letter)
    3) 레퍼런스 확인을 위한 최소 2 개 이상의 연락처 (1차 면접 합격자에 한해 요청함) 
    4) '개인정보 수집 및 이용 수칙 동의서' (Agreement on the Collection and Usage of Personal Information) – 첨부파일 참조

  10. 접수 마감: 수시 모집으로 채용 시 마감
◈ 면접 대상자에 한하여 연락을 드리는 점 양해 부탁 드리며, WWF 한국본부 채용에 관심을 가져 주셔서 감사합니다. 지원 서류에는 주민등록번호를 기재하지 마십시오. 첨부의 증명서에도 주민등록번호가 노출되지 않도록 숨김 처리가 된 자료로 제출 부탁드립니다.
